Looking to automate lead management and marketing campaigns for your real estate leads? Read this review of KW Command smartplan feature to decide if you should buy a subscription.
Automation has emerged as a necessity across industries and verticals to manage and qualify leads. Real estate is no exception. Agents and Brokers are curious about tools with which they can automate and simplify their lead qualification campaigns. This is why it is not unusual to find multiple real estate CRMs competing against each other in the market today.
One such tool happens to be KW Command. KW Command’s smartplans feature is one of the most powerful aspects of the software suite that helps agents create automated event based actions. Smartplans help agents qualify and reach out to their leads with automated workflows
In this post, we will cover smartplans in detail and list down all the features and their abilities to run an automated workflow for real estate agents. So without further ado, let’s get started.
What is KW Command Smartplan?
KW Command smartplan is a set of features provided by KW Command that allows real estate agents to automate their lead qualification and overall workflow in general. Smartplans integrates a set of 7 actions together to make that happen. By shuffling the order and frequency of the actions, multiple smartplans can be created to run personalized campaigns.
The KW Command comes with a list of preloaded smartplans that are ready to use anytime. All you have to do is to download them from the library and add leads to get started.
In order to determine if a smartplan template would be good for your workflow or not, you need to check a few things.
Relevance. Read the description of the smartplan to figure out if the smartplan is relevant to the goals you want to achieve for a particular campaign.
Steps and touches. The next step is to find out the number of steps and touches involved in the smartplan. One plan may have more text messages than emails than other plans. Some may emphasize on calling instead of texting or sending Emails.
For example, if the motive is to stay in touch with a recent buyer, more emails might be sent compared to texts while a hot lead may require more touches using text messages and phone calls instead.
The popularity of the plan. Look for the number of downloads the plan has got so far. A smartplan with a high download number is a good sign.
Validation. The last thing to look for in a smartplan is its approval ratings. Check the average rating of the plan from previous users.
Preloaded Smartplans in KW Command
The KW Command system comes with a list of pre loaded smartplans. These smartplans are necessary and serve almost all agents using KW Command.
Home Anniversary. This smartplan aims to create a connection with the previous buyers as they could very well tend to sell the same property in the future as well.
Birthday. The Birthday smartplan sends emails or texts on specified birthdates of leads. It is an essential smartplan to keep in touch with your clients by making them feel special.
Promote my app. This plan persuades leads to install the KW Command app in their mobile devices. As discussed in the last blog, the KW app comes with a lot of benefits that allow agents to further personalize lead qualification campaigns using the app insights.
Quarterly call. Quarterly call smartplans sends you reminders on a quarterly basis to call your lead base in order to maintain emotional proximity.
Bi weekly neighborhood nurture. This smartplan allows you to send messages twice a week to active leads, interested in properties within a specific zip code or neighborhood.
Monthly neighborhood nurture. This smartplan allows you to send messages once a month to any segment of leads interested in properties within a specific zip code or neighborhood.
Build Custom Smartplans
While preloaded smartplans are great to kick start necessary lead qualification and nurturing activities, they come with their limitations. You can segment your lead base into multiple clusters and each one usually requires a different number and sequence of actions to get the best results. This is where custom smartplans from KW Command are useful.
Custom smartplans can be built using a list of 7 actions in a specified order as you desire. These actions include:
Create Task. This action lets you name the task that the smartplan is about. You can also set a reminder and add links to the task if necessary. Publish the task once you are sure.
Make Calls. “Make calls” reminds you about calls that you are supposed to make to your segment of leads included in a particular smartplan.
Send SMS. The send SMS option allows you to send one SMS or multiple SMSs in a smartplant. You configure the system to send only one message or you can configure multiple SMSs to be sent within a smartplan. It is extremely useful to qualify leads when they move along the sales pipeline.
Send Email. The send Email option allows you to send plain text or HTML emails to leads. You can use the Email templates from KW Command and create automated drip emails to qualify leads across the lead pipeline.
Set Delay. “Set delay” allows you to set a time delay between the execution of two consecutive actions in a smartplan. You should set a delay action between two consecutive actions in the smartplan to avoid the actions from happening without any time gap.
Add to Smartplans. This option allows you to add contacts to a smartplan from another smartplan automatically.
Restart Flow. Restart flow restarts the smartplan from the beginning.
If you wish to remove a step from the smartplan you can do that as well with a few clicks. Save the smartplan with the steps removed and you are all set.